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Women’s Desert Getaway | Utah

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Journey into the heart of slickrock territory for an incredible women’s mountain bike experience. This trip is designed for the strong intermediate rider that wants to experience Moab from a different perspective or, perhaps, for the first time. Our guides and coaches will show you how to ride the slickrock trails of Moab and teach you all the best lines. You’ll come out the other side with a whole new outlook on what it means to ride “slickrock.” We’ll explore everything from the famous Slickrock trail to Porcupine Rim and much more. We’ll even top it off with outdoor yoga sessions, SUPing on the Colorado, hiking in Arches, and massages at the spa mid-week. Join us on this extraordinary all women’s getaway!


    Upon your arrival to Moab and check in to your hotel room, we encourage you to unpack, organize and revise your gear, and rest up for the adventure ahead.

    At 6:30 pm, the group will meet in the main lobby area of the hotel (across from the front desk) for a group welcome meeting. While enjoying some pizza and local beverages, we’ll introduce ourselves, go over the plan for the week, and get you lined out with all the necessary information you’ll need for a great trip. We’ll also use this time to build bikes for those who have brought their own. Tools will be available, and our guides will also be there to assist where needed.

    Head to bed early for a good night’s sleep and get ready for a week of riding some of the best mountain bike trails in the world! (D)

    Note: There is a large continental breakfast served each morning at the hotel; oatmeal, cereal, toast, bagels, waffles, yogurt and fruit. If for any reason you have specific needs or foods you like for breakfast, there is a fridge in your room and a small store right next to the hotel. Please supplement yourself as needed.


    Kick off your morning with a hearty breakfast then meet the group downstairs to load bikes in the shuttle van. Once we’re all together and ready, we’ll make a quick stop at the bike shop to pick up rentals (for those who have rented) as well as grab any last-minute supplies anyone may need. Then we’re off to the Klondike Bluffs trail system.

    We’ll spend the morning riding a big loop that combines some climbing, some fun flowy downhill and some excellent technical slickrock sections that are the signature of Moab riding. We’ll use the morning to get warmed up to desert riding and our guides will provide any tips for those interested.

    After a picnic lunch at the trailhead, load up the van and we’ll head to the Bar M trail system. This collection of trails has a little something for everybody. We’ll explore mostly blue trails with a couple black sections where we can build our skills. We’ll work on climbing and descending techniques that are specific to Utah desert riding and we’ll use this opportunity to fine tune our skills in preparation for the days to come.

    We’ll head back to our accommodation with time to shower and relax before heading out for dinner. The group will have a designated dinner reservation tonight, however, you are always welcome to peel off and spend the evening as you like. (B, L)


    Today is an incredible day of riding. After breakfast at the hotel, we’ll load into the van and head to the Navajo Rocks area. The morning ride will be a big loop full of fun flowy sections of trail speckled with some technical rock features. We’ll stop to session a few features but otherwise, we’ll be out to enjoy the ride.

    For lunch, we’ll drive up to Dead Horse Point and enjoy a group picnic overlooking the Colorado River. The views from our lunch spot are spectacular and really show off the immense landscape of Southern Utah.

    The afternoon will be spent riding the Magnificent 7 trail system, known by the locals as “Mag 7.” The first part of Mag 7 has lots of fast-paced, ripping’ fun segments. Then, we’ll dip into some rocky and technical sections for a fun and exciting finish.

    On our way back to town, we'll visit the incredible Arches National Park for a sunset yoga session. We'll take time to soak up the last rays of sun for the day and relax our muscles from such excellent riding. After yoga, we’ll head back to our accommodation with time to shower and relax before heading out for dinner. The group will have a designated dinner reservation tonight, however, you are always welcome to peel off and spend the evening as you like. (B, L)


    Kick off your morning with an early breakfast at the hotel, then we’re off to ride the most recognized mountain bike trail in the world: Slickrock.

    Though the main loop is only 12 miles long, the Slickrock trail will take everything you’ve got. Heart pumping climbs paired with steep rock rolls and a sea of slickrock formations that will be burned in your memory for years to come. The views across the slick rock, especially in the early morning or late afternoon will take your breath away and the only way to navigate through this myriad of formations is following white dots painted on the rock.

    We’ll top off this epic morning ride with yoga out on the slickrock. Unwind from all that climbing and descending with some relaxing stretches and sun salutations. Then we’ll head into town for a healthy café lunch in downtown Moab.

    This afternoon is dedicated to you! Get a massage treatment, read a book at the park or a nearby café, relax in your room, or get adventurous and go ziplining. You are free to spend the afternoon as you wish. There will be massage appointments reserved for those who wish for a treatment. There are also optional adventure activities if you wish to spend the afternoon keeping the activity level at a high pace. The idea of today is to take an afternoon break from biking and recharge for tomorrow. Note: Massages and adventure activities are not included in the trip cost.

    Head back to the hotel with time to shower and relax before heading out for dinner. No group reservations will be planned this evening. (B, L)


    Another morning of breakfast at the hotel then meet the group in the lobby to load up and head to one of the most popular trails in Moab, Porcupine Rim. This is a big shuttle ride that is filled with optional rock drops, steep and technical rocky sections, wide open high speed singletrack, and views that can’t be beat. Our guides and coaches will show you all the best lines to really maximize your experience on the trail. We will provide coaching to assist with technical sections and teach you to ride Porcupine as an intermediate+ rider.

    After our ride, we’ll head to a local park for a picnic lunch and take a quick moment to relax in the sunshine and let our adrenaline come down. Then, grab your suit and water shoes because we’re headed to the river. We’ll spend the afternoon SUPing down a section of the Colorado River and enjoying some R&R topped with a little adventure in the sunshine!

    We’ll head back to our accommodation with time to shower and relax before heading out for dinner. No group reservations will be planned this evening. (B, L)


    We will offer an early morning yoga session this morning in a nearby park. Stretch those muscles and give thanks to your body for providing you with the tools to play in such a unique and beautiful landscape.

    We’ll be back in time for breakfast and to check out of the hotel then its high fives and hugs as you head on your way home.

    Thanks for riding Moab with us! We hope to ride with you again…

Itinerary Disclaimer: Adventure travel carries inherent risks and the potential for unexpected situations. It is rare that we have to alter our planned itinerary however, our crew reserves the right to alter any trip at any time to make proper adjustments due to weather, trail conditions or other unforeseen circumstances.

  • What's Included

    • 4 days of guided mountain biking on Moab’s best trails
    • 5 nights’ accommodation
    • 3 outdoor yoga classes
    • Private transportation
    • Hike and Entrance Fees to Arches National Park
    • 5 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 1 bike building pizza party with beverages
    • An Ice-cold microbrew and beverages provided each day
    • Bike tools and maintenance kit provided for the group as needed
    • Ride with Professional Guides and Certified MTB Coaches

  • What's Not Included

    • Gratuities for guides and activities: Although tipping is completely up to your discretion, it is customary to provide gratuity for guides and drivers. A typical gratuity for your expert mountain bike guides is 5-10% of your trip cost per person and 2-5% for drivers. This may be given to the lead guide on your trip or to each person individually.

    • Airport shuttles: See the Arrival/Departure Info below for ride start and end times and locations. There are no shuttles included in this itinerary. An airport shuttle may be reserved for pick up or drop off from Canyonlands Field Airport (CNY) for $25/person (each way).

    • Equipment rentals (bike, SUP, surf boards, etc.)

    • Food & beverages not included in the itinerary: In general, riders are responsible for their own dinners and any beverages. Some lunches will include non-alcoholic drinks, but specialty drinks and extras should be placed on your own tab. We provide post ride celebratory beverages (usually that means a locally made cold beer!) but anything outside of that is not included. Although our guides will have some snacks and drinks available, it is highly recommended that each rider bring a full supply of ride snacks and electrolyte replacements.

    • International/Domestic Airfare

    • Trip Insurance: Note that trip insurance is required for all riders on any Ride the Earth tour. You must provide proof of policy prior to departure. We have partnered with World Nomads to provide you with affordable trip insurance. Click HERE to view our trip insurance page to choose and purchase your policy.

  • Trip Add Ons

    • Single Room Add On: $900 per person

    • Airport Shuttle from Canyonlands Field Airport: $45 per person

    • High End Full Suspension MTB Rental: $495 per person

    • Mid-Range Full Suspension MTB Rental: $395 per person

    • Custom Add On: Arriving early or staying longer after your ride? Contact our team to design your additional travel days. Our team specializes in custom tour packages both on and off the bike. We’d love to show you more great places to explore in our selected destinations. Cost varies per package.

    • Couples Getaway Add On: This customized add on is a great addition to any of our bike tours. Sign up your partner as a couples add on and we’ll provide a private guide to show them the other great stuff to do at your destination of choice. Whether they want to practice their skills on a bike or spend their time exploring other non-biking activities, we’ll make sure they have an excellent experience paralleling your mountain biking vacation. Cost varies per package.

  • Skill & Fitness

    The following outlines the fitness and skill required for this specific itinerary. If you have questions about your ability level, email us or schedule a call back and we’ll answer all your questions and help get you booked on the tour that matches your skill and fitness levels.

    Skill Level - Intermediate + (Blue/Black Trails): You have a strong understanding and practice with the skills of braking, shifting, cornering and descending. You are able to navigate variable terrain at a good pace. You are confident and comfortable riding singletrack trails and can easily navigate roots, rocks, mud, sand and creek crossings. You are capable of a front wheel and rear wheel lift and can put the two together to navigate over obstacles. You are fairly confident on steep climbs and descents, but you may walk sections on trails that are rated Black or Double Black.

    Fitness Level - 4/7: You have moderately strong mountain bike fitness. You bike or exercise 3-4 times per week all year long for at least 2-3 hours per session. You are comfortable biking for 2-3 hours at a strong pace and 4-6 hours with some stopping or at a slower pace. You can comfortably ride 5 days back-to-back with climbing of up to 1500ft per day.

  • Trip Start/End Info

    The Women's Desert Getaway tour starts and ends in Moab, UT. Detailed arrival instructions are provided upon confirmation of booking.

    Arrival Day: On day one, there are no scheduled activities until early evening to allow time for all the riders to arrive to Moab. We will meet the group with beverages and pizza in the hotel lobby at 6:30pm for a welcome meeting and to build any bikes.

    Departure Day: There will be a morning yoga session with return to the hotel scheduled prior to check out.

  • Accommodations & Food

    • The accommodations for the Women's Desert Getaway tour are comfortable condo-style accommodations located close to town with easy access to restaurants, shopping, a spa and an organic grocery store.

    • Check in time: Check in on day one is available by 3:00pm. Detailed check in instructions will be provided upon confirmation of your trip.

    • Meals: Breakfast and lunches are provided each day and are listed on the trips detailed itinerary as (B, L, and/or D) at the end of each day’s description.

  • Packing List & Bike Packing

    • Packing for traveling can be overwhelming and when you add a bike it can quickly become a lot of stuff. Trust us, we know. Below are the links to our suggested packing list as well as a link to a video to show you proper techniques for packing your bike for travel. Still have questions? Schedule a call back and our team will gladly walk you through the process and answer any questions.
    • Click HERE for Utah packing list.
    • Click HERE for bike packing video


Below you will find detailed travel information specific to Utah. Contact us with any questions, but don’t forget that it is always recommended to contact your physician for specific health information related to you and your local public health office or the CDC for up-to-date travel information related to international destinations.

Moab Map
  • Getting There & Away

    By Air:Flights into the Canyonlands Field Airport (CNY) in Moab arrive daily on SkyWest/United Airlines from Denver. You may also fly into Grand Junction or Salt Lake City and take a shuttle or drive a rental car.

    By Shuttle:
    Salt Lake City International Airport to Moab, Shuttle Services (4-6 hours):
    Elevated Transit
    Redrock Express
    Roadrunner Shuttle

    Grand Junction Regional Airport to Moab, Shuttle Services (2-3 hours):
    Redrock Express
    Roadrunner Shuttle
    American Spirit Shuttle

    Car Rental: Many car rental agencies are available in the surrounding areas if you choose to fly into Grand Junction or Salt Lake.

  • Visas & Entry

    All international travelers require a current passport that is valid 6 months after your return date in order to enter the country. Citizens of some countries will require a visa with customs approvals in needed in advance. For more information pertaining to your nationality, check with your local embassy or passport office for detailed travel requirements.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: All travellers entering the United States are currently required to provide proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken within 72 hours of entering the country. If you are coming from out of the country, ensure that you know all the current regulations prior to travel. You may also go to the US Department of State Website for detailed travel information.

  • Money

    It is best to travel with local currency while traveling. We recommend exchanging a small amount of money in the airport upon arrival and then using ATMs for more cash. Most all businesses accept credit cards, so you don’t have to carry too much on any given day. For guests arriving from the US or Canada, all major credit cards are accepted at most locations and ATMs are readily available.

  • Health & Safety

    It is important that all riders contact their personal physician and/or public health office prior to traveling. These resources can provide you with the proper recommendations for your personal health needs regarding vaccinations, medications and general travel health information. You may also go to the CDC Website for detailed travel health information.

    There are no vaccinations currently required for entry into the United States. Travelers arriving from yellow fever risk areas may be asked to provide proof of a current Yellow Fever vaccination.

    In general, the food and water are safe to drink in the United States.

  • Trip Insurance

    Note that trip insurance is required for all riders on any Ride the Earth tour. You must provide proof of policy prior to departure. We have partnered with World Nomads to provide you with affordable trip insurance. Click HERE here to view our trip insurance page to choose and purchase your policy.

  • What should I wear for riding in Utah?

    In general, you can expect warm sunny days in Utah. Typical Spring/Fall temperatures range from 75-85F (25-30C) during the day and dropping to 45-55F (7-13C) in the evenings. You will need quick drying biking clothes for each day, and it is also recommended to bring a jacket with you. Sudden changes in weather can occur and all riders must be prepared. Refer to the suggested packing list for detailed information on what to bring. You will also be able to leave items in our van each day so you can have back up supplies if needed throughout the day.

  • Do I need a hydration pack for this trip?

    Yes, it is very dry and hot in Utah. We recommend all riders should be prepared to carry 2-3L of water on them each day.

  • Will there be quality snacks available?

    Our crew will have some snacks available, however, it is up to each participant to provide their own personal snacks and electrolyte replacement tabs or chews while riding. There are stores in Moab where these can be purchased upon arrival if you choose not to bring them in your luggage.

  • How much riding will we do each day?

    Days 2 and 3 will be full days of riding (morning and afternoon) and will range between 4-6 hours on your bike. After that rides are mostly in the morning. On average, expect to spend 3-6 hours on your bike each day.

  • Are their gluten free, dairy free, or vegan food options available?

    All of our trips can cater to most dietary needs, however, make sure you tell us in advance so our team can be properly prepared. We will provide you with forms to fill out prior to travel that will allow you the opportunity to notify us of any dietary needs or allergies.

    Once you’re in Moab, there are a variety of restaurants to choose from that cater to special dietary needs. If you are vegan or have strict dietary needs, you may want to go to the organic food store near the hotel to purchase some supplementary items for yourself. There is also a refrigerator in your room to allow for storage of any special items you may want to have on hand.

  • I’ve never travelled with my bike. Will there be someone available to help me assemble my bike?

    Our guides will be there to help you build your bike at the start of the trip and pack it up at the end. We will have tools available and we’re very experienced in assembling and packing bikes. We’ll gladly give you tips and help you out during the process.


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